Tomica Hero: Rescue Force Explosive Movie: Rescue the Mach Train! (トミカヒーロー レスキューフォース 爆裂MOVIE マッハトレインをレスキューせよ! Tomika Hīrō Resukyū Fōsu Bakuretsu Mūbī Mahha Torein o Resukyū seyo!?) opened in theaters on December 20, 2008. Taking place between episodes 38 and 39, the film features guest stars Hiroshi Fujioka (藤岡 弘、 Fujioka Hiroshi,?) as Reiji Osakabe, the Director of the UFDA and R0; and Ryota Yamasato (山里 亮太 Yamasato Ryōta?) of Nankai Candies (南海キャンディーズ Nankai Kyandīzu?) as Doktor Madu/Mataro Madono (ドクトル・マドゥ/真殿 麻太郎 Dokutoru Madu/Madono Matarō?), who joins forces with the Neo Thera to hijack the super express train Mach Train with his Metal Train, intending to use the Mach Train in the most Super-Disaster ever. Kinuyo Kodama (児玉 絹世 Kodama Kinuyo?) plays Miyuki Maijima (舞島 美有紀 Maijima Miyuki?), a high school student who befriends the Rescue Force and is later trapped with the other civilians during the hijacking. Cameo guest stars include Shogo Yamaguchi (山口 翔吾 Yamaguchi Shōgo?), Gen (源 Gen?), Kohei Kuroda (黒田 耕平 Kuroda Kōhei?), and Ryota Sato (佐藤 亮太 Satō Ryōta?) reprising roles from Madan Senki Ryukendo; Takao Handa (飯田 孝男 Handa Takao?) as a ferryman; Gajiro Sato (佐藤 蛾次郎 Satō Gajirō?) as Gajiro's father; and camino as customers in yakitori restaurant. The short Explosive Run! Tomica Hero Grand Prix (爆走!トミカヒーローグランプリ Bakusō! Tomika Hīrō Guran Puri?) was shown alongside the film.